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9,746 Téléchargements

FlashGet 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

FlashGet  Change Log

* Download files from some file hosts properly, including,,, and
* Add Pre-Download,now FlashGet could download files less than 50MB faster.
* Add torrent auto downloading in Internet Explorer.
* Improve the performance of downloading,especially of BitTorrent.
* When you click a link in Internet Explorer, FlashGet will immediately add new task without the dialog "save as".
* Add an option, when you click a link with pressing Ctrl or Alt or Shift in Internet Explorer, FlashGet will not add the task.
* Speed limit is more accurate now.
* Fix a bug that FlashGet can't get the comment and refer via Firefox add-on.
* Fix some other bugs

FlashGet 3 Construit

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