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.Net Framework 1.1

87,940 Téléchargements

.Net Framework 1.1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

.Net Framework 1.1  Change Log

  • Built-in support for mobile ASP.NET controls. Previously available as an add-on for .NET Framework, now part of the framework.
  • Security changes - enable Windows Forms assemblies to execute in a semi-trusted manner from the Internet, and enable Code Access Security in ASP.NET applications.
  • Built-in support for ODBC and Oracle databases. Previously available as an add-on for .NET Framework 1.0, now part of the framework.
  • .NET Compact Framework - a version of the .NET Framework for small devices.
  • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) support.
  • Numerous API changes.

Source: Wikipedia

.Net Framework 1 Construit

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