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Speccy 1.09.231

5,629 Téléchargements

Speccy 1.09.231 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Speccy 1.09.231  Change Log

- Added Windows 7 SP1 support.
- Added Fan speed and Virtualization to CPU.
- Added Voltages to Motherboard.
- Added Shaders and Performance levels to Graphics.
- Added Hotfixes to Operating System.
- Improved stability of battery estimation.
- Added support for multiple network controllers.
- Fixed crash that could happen with no network controllers.
- Stability improvements to the memory usage and RAM graphs.
- Better recognition of Intel 64-bit instruction extensions.
- Improved socket reading for Foxcon components.
- Better filtering of Peripherals to prevents duplicates.
- Minor fixes for GeForce 260 GTX cards.
- Numerous other small fixes.

Speccy 1 Construit

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