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uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27554

5,974 Téléchargements

uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27554 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

uTorrent 3.2.1 Beta 27554  Change Log

- Fix: Single file magnet links were missing file extensions
- Fix: Single file torrents were missing
- Fix: Magnets would be added in stopped state
- Change: If we changed the torrent name before the metadata completed in the "add torrent" dialog, those changes would not be applied to the torrent; the name field will disabled while the magnet data is downloading util that's changed.
- Fix: Saving a torrent in the root of a drive (e.g. "X:") would save into the "add torrent" history list as "X:" instead of "X:\" [Note: This fix is not yet complete]
- Change: don't allow empty names in add torrent dialog

uTorrent 3 Construit

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