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VLC Media Player 1.0.3 RC1

4,706 Téléchargements

VLC Media Player 1.0.3 RC1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

VLC Media Player 1.0.3 RC1  Change Log

#Video outputs:
* Fix video quality when resizing the video on Windows Vista and 7, due to regressions in most popular drivers
* New deinterlacers modules based on yadif and yadif(x2) algorithms

* Windows version supports now natively the WMA Professional codec, as it didn't work in the packaged version of 1.0.2
* Fix downmixing of particual 4.0 AC-3 audio tracks

* x264 has profile-limitter, like:

* Update for appletrailers lua script
* Fixes on the RAR stream filter
* Fix for E-AC3 in ATSC/TS streams
* Various fixes for v4l and v4l2

#Service discovery:
* New udev module for linux

#Qt4 interface:
* Fixes on the playlist and the stream output panels

* Russian, Korean, Ukrainian, French, Polish, Slovak and Galician updates

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