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WinZip 6.1

25,674 Téléchargements

WinZip 6.1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

WinZip 6.1  Change Log

The main new feature in WinZip 6.1 is the WinZip Wizard, an easy to use way to unzip and to install software distributed in Zip files using the standardized and familiar "wizard" interface.
WinZip 6.1 now handles Zip files with garbage data between Zip file members, and handles Zip files with invalid extended local headers.
Other Windows 95 specific changes in WinZip 6.1 include:

  • New Step by Step tutorial.
  • Under Windows 95 a new File->Create Shortcut menu entry creates a desktop shortcuts for the open archive.
  • Under Windows 95 the Extract dialog box displays folders in an explorer-style tree.
  • Under Windows 95 you can specify QuikView in the Program Locations dialog box Default Associations field without specifying the full path (assuming QuikView is installed).
  • The Explorer context menu for self-extracting Zip files includes an "Open with WinZip" entry.
  • The Explorer context menu for folders includes an "Add to Zip" entry.

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