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Feed Demon Beta

9,010 Téléchargements

Feed Demon Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon Beta  Change Log

* Added: "Reopen Closed Tab" (Shift+Ctrl+T) added to browser menu
* Added: Surfer newspaper style now enables turning off grouping
* Added: Numerous tweaks to Surfer and Expando newspaper styles
* Changed: Expanding an unread item in Surfer style now marks it as read
* Changed: Dropped the odd/even row coloring in Surfer style
* Fixed: "More" menu doesn't reflect changes to the language file until FeedDemon is restarted
* Fixed: Unread titles in Expando style don't reflect unread color selection
* Fixed: Titles cut off when RTL encoding selected
* Fixed: PRE sections in item descriptions may overflow
* Fixed: Subscriptions home page shows truncated text when "increase newspaper font size" is enabled
* Fixed: and information links treated as short URLs
* Fixed: Images in feeds disappear when item expanded
* Fixed: Numeric values in feed/folder properties don't allow cut/copy/paste shortcuts
* Fixed: Future-dated items may display as "N minutes ago" or "N hours ago"
* Fixed: Duplicate posts in non-synched feeds

Feed Demon 3 Construit

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