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Feed Demon

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Feed Demon  Change Log

* Added: My Stream - shows all starred posts, and all unread posts from the last 24 hours, in selected feeds. Designed to work best with frequently-updating status feeds (Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, etc.)
* Added: Significant performance improvements throughout (thanks to SQLite 3.7)
* Added: Completely redesigned newspapers and reports
* Added: New "Speed Reader" and "Time Cards" newspaper styles
* Added: The "Share" newspaper icon now has a dropdown menu which replaces the annotate, email and "send to" icons
* Added: Newspaper styles can be assigned to individual watches
* Added: The subscription tree now enables viewing all items published today and yesterday
* Added: Search box added to newspaper, which enables searching only the posts displayed in the newspaper
* Added: Search results can now be opened in a new browser tab
* Added: OAuth support for Twitter feeds (here's why)
* Added: Watches can now be limited to specific folders
* Added: Significant synchronization optimizations that should result in far less traffic between FeedDemon and Google Reader for many customers
* Added: Different background color to distinguish between multiple watch keywords
* Added: HTTP error report now enables updating all feeds with errors
* Added: Added Facebook to list of search providers
* Added: The address bar no longer shows http:// in URLs unless it has the focus
* Added: Holding Shift+Delete in FeedStation deletes the selected files instead of sending them to the recycle bin
* Added: "Source" column added to FeedStation
* Added: FeedDemon now uses a built-in updater which can download and install the latest version without having to visit the download page in your browser
* Added: "Z" newspaper shortcut key which toggles the content size (Surfer style only)
* Added: "Add Feed" dialog now lets you know right away whether the feed title already exists
* Added: Ctrl= and Ctrl- now zoom the browser
* Added: Recently-published items appear in the newspaper dated "5 minutes ago," "1 hour ago," etc.
* Added: "Show thumbnail images for summaries" added to Reading tab in Options
* Added: "Reopen Closed Tab" (Shift+Ctrl+T) added to browser menu
* Added: Twitter feeds are automatically converted from RSS to Atom (since unlike the RSS version, the Atom version contains profile images). This may result in some initial duplication in Twitter feeds.
* Added: "Share this Page" added to Browse menu and tabbed browser context menu
* Added: Windows 7 taskbar icon now shows overlay when new items are received and when working offline
* Added: "Read it Later" added to share menu
* Added: FeedDemon now adjusts the update frequency of Twitter feeds when rate limiting is detected
* Added: Extra error information added to event log report for Twitter errors
* Changed: Starred items no longer count towards the max number of items kept in a feed (ex: if the feed is set to keep 100 items but five of them are starred, then 105 items will be kept)
* Changed: When grouping by starred in the news item list, starred items are now shown first
* Changed: When the login for an authenticated feed is invalid, the login dialog now only displays if FeedDemon isn't minimized and a full-screen application (such as a game) isn't active
* Changed: FeedDemon now checks for items unshared from another location
* Changed: Newspaper styles now use the extension FDXSL4 and language files use the extension FDLANG4
* Changed: "Find New Feeds" now uses Google Reader's feed finder
* Changed: Search-related features have been moved to the Tools menu
* Changed: Replaced toolbar icons in FeedStation
* Changed: "Export Event Log" has been replaced with a new "Event Log Report" (View > Reports > FeedDemon Event Log). Note that you should rarely need to use this feature - it's really only there to help track down problems.
* Changed: "Text Size" menu replaced with "Zoom" menu
* Changed: Dropped the odd/even row coloring in Surfer style
* Changed: Share, Tag, and More icons in newspaper changed to simple caption-less dropdown menus
* Changed: FeedDemon now defaults to never showing in the system tray on Windows 7
* Changed: "News items" are now called "articles"
* Changed: "Mark Read" and "Mark Unread" have been combined into single "Toggle Read" action
* Fixed: Feed properties dialog permits a blank feed URL
* Fixed: Scientific American podcasts are incorrectly downloaded with a CFM extension
* Fixed: Grouping by category in the news item list doesn't work
* Fixed: CPU spikes when updating a single feed in HTTP error report
* Fixed: Prefetch-related error messages in the status bar disappear too quickly to be read
* Fixed: Tags still appear in FeedDemon after deleting all tags in Google Reader
* Fixed: FeedStation doesn't show HTTP status code for failed downloads
* Fixed: FeedStation's error log shows bogus "error synching" messages
* Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't recognize the URLs of FDLANGs if they contain a query string
* Fixed: Subscription report doesn't remove publisher's inline styles from hyperlinks
* Fixed: Duplicates appear when re-running a watch that contains multiple keywords
* Fixed: Re-running a watch adds more items than should be kept for that watch
* Fixed: "Shared by People I Follow" shows duplicates of posts that already exist in your subscriptions
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to runs in IE8 Standards Mode
* Fixed: Navigating items using newspaper shortcuts is inaccurate
* Fixed: Enter key doesn't expand focused newspaper item
* Fixed: "Time Cards" style missing background on 64-bit Windows 7
* Fixed: Potential buffer overflow when a very long string is entered in the subscription wizard (hat tip to Luis Santana for reporting this)
* Fixed: Not enough contrast between odd rows and focused row in Surfer newspaper
* Fixed: Long headlines in Surfer newspaper are truncated
* Fixed: Unnecessary repainting/flicker of subscriptions after hitting "Next Unread" when viewing all unread items
* Fixed: Importing OPML into synched folders fails if any of the imported feeds have invalid URLs
* Fixed: Clicking a menu item is treated as a click in the newspaper when the menu appears over the newspaper
* Fixed: Time Cards style shows only a thumbnail for some comic strip feeds
* Fixed: Incorrect encoding of Twitter logins prevents updating Twitter feeds
* Fixed: Jack Brewster says I didn't warn you that installing pre-release software may impregnate your cat
* Fixed: HTML in feed title causes problems in newspaper
* Fixed: First item isn't automatically focused in newspaper
* Fixed: IE8 document compatibility registry key is set every time FeedDemon starts
* Fixed: "More" menu in newspaper doesn't enable adding to (deprecated) clippings
* Fixed: Unsharing an item in "Shared by Me" doesn't remove it from the newspaper
* Fixed: Crash when loading a feed or folder that uses an older newspaper style
* Fixed: Missing header icon in surfer which marks group as read
* Fixed: Large images may overlap description in newspaper
* Fixed: Incorrect odd/even row coloring in Surfer style
* Fixed: Unicode URLs still fail to open in external browser
* Fixed: Can't select mapped drive from Manage Cache > Backup
* Fixed: FeedDemon's sanitizer strips CSS height/width values even if they're within a reasonable range
* Fixed: Subscription Home isn't fully viewable when the screen resolution is 1024x768
* Fixed: Subtle flicker in subscription tree when marking individual items read
* Fixed: Shared items context menu doesn't enable marking all shared items read
* Fixed: Older items tagged in Google Reader don't always appear in FeedDemon
* Fixed: Ugly "new items" tray icon
* Fixed: "Missing msvcr71.dll" error when using embedded ordering wizard on Windows 7
* Fixed: Subtle bug using J/K to navigate the newspaper which causes headline to be out of view
* Fixed: News item list incorrectly groups items published at midnight
* Fixed: Items marked as "keep unread" in Google Reader don't appear as unread in FeedDemon
* Fixed: PRE sections in item descriptions may overflow
* Fixed: Subscription report displays after sync even when it shouldn't be shown
* Fixed: Subscriptions home page shows truncated text when "increase newspaper font size" is enabled
* Fixed: and information links treated as short URLs
* Fixed: Images in feeds disappear when item expanded
* Fixed: Numeric values in feed/folder properties don't allow cut/copy/paste shortcuts
* Fixed: Newspaper grouping always shows in English
* Fixed: Tabbed browser re-opens URLs in the wrong order
* Fixed: Unsubscribe confirmation dialog doesn't display Unicode characters
* Fixed: MediaRSS thumbnails not extracted from Blogger Atom feeds
* Fixed: Invalid nesting of tags in Expando style
* Fixed: "New items received" message doesn't appear when viewing all unread items
* Fixed: FeedStation spikes the CPU when updating progress bar during a download
* Fixed: FeedDemon permits using commas in folder names even though they're not supported by Google Reader
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to ask to go online at startup if it was exited while working offline and "remember my login" is disabled in sync options
* Fixed: Installer uses invalid certificate
* Fixed: Missing "open in new tab" icon when showing headlines
* Fixed: Items shared by you show up in "Shared by people I follow" even if nobody else shared them
* Fixed: Feeds added to Google Reader outside this copy of FeedDemon don't show all unread items
* Fixed: "Popular in my Subscriptions" contains older posts from people you follow
* Fixed: Tag menu doesn't show the most-used tags
* Fixed: Watches aren't regularly purged of older items
* Fixed: Watches containing many future-dated items may fail to show new items
* Fixed: "Shared by People I Follow" profile images are re-downloaded every time they're displayed
* Fixed: News item list still shows unread items after marking all feeds read
* Fixed: News item list incorrectly displays Unicode category, source and author, and also fails to display Unicode group headers correctly
* Fixed: Newspaper shortcuts for previous/next page may cause browser to lose focus
* Fixed: Subscription report shows thumbnails and friend images even when "Optimize for slow connections" is enabled
* Fixed: Feeds and watches aren't re-sorted when their title is changed
* Fixed: FeedStation doesn't remember downloads if it closes due to Windows shutting down
* Fixed: Titles cut off last character when they contain HTML
* Fixed: If FeedDemon is minimized using WindowsKey+DownArrow, it restores as a minimized window about the taskbar

Feed Demon 4 Construit

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